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Vegan and Vegetarian Pick-up Lines

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I want to stuff you like a Tofurkey.

I'll eat your peach if you try my zucchini.

You’re a vegan? Let me toss a salad for you.

You’re a hot chick... pea eater.

Hey baby, can I milk your soybeans?

Baby, you marinate my tempeh.

If you’re not getting enough protein, I can certainly help.

Can I tell you a pick up line? I promise it won’t be cheesy

I’m willing to give up meat — but I’d never give up you.

Yours is the only meat I will ever put in my body.

I wanna paint you green and spank you like a disobedient avocado.

Would you like some organic roasted root vegetables to go with that non-dairy fair trade shake?

I bet you could really go for a hot veggie dog right about now.

I am sure we could both reach the big O in no time. Organic that is.

My heart is certified cage-free, so my love can roam to you.

Even though I'm a vegetarian, I still need my daily dose of meat and protein.

I bought some new hemp sheets, wanna try them out?

If I give you my number will you promise to kale me?

You may be vegan, but I know you want my meat.

Can I cover you in agave nectar?

May I take your picture? It’s for the World’s Sexiest Vegan competition.

Wanna come up and see my Vitamix?

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